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Our Projects

Our ambition

Beside operating in different part of the country, we also run projects to ensure and provide the basic necessities to the hard-reaching rural communities. We fund and aid the projects in collaboration with the local community members. We work on boosting the living standards of these communities according to our objective. We monitor the improvements and impacts of the project sharply, and give instructions to our partners/volunteers according to our benchmarks. Currently, we are operating two development projects named Project: Majher Chor, and Project: Empowerment.



Majher Chor

Children’s Heaven has taken an initiative to run a project in Majher Chor, Barguna. Majher Char is an island located in the middle of Bishkhali River under Kakchira union in of Pathorghata sub-district. The people are living a very hard life there. Most of the families are involved in fishing as a primary source of their livelihood and their income level is below the poverty line. No education, medical and basic livelihood access is there. Majher Chor is also vulnerable to cyclones, flood, diseases and epidemic, and other natural calamities. Depending upon their socio-economic and other hard conditions, Children’s Heaven decided to launch a project in Majher Chor and help them to overcome their hardships in life. We aid them financially, educate the children through our school, support them immensely during natural disasters, regularly distribute relief, build homes for them, and so on.


We launched our Empowerment project to support the helpless rural women in Shatkhira district. This project aims to increase the income of the women and to improve their financial condition. We arrange a way of earning for the beneficiary, by which the beneficiary can generate better income and be financially stable. We help and assist them to use their resources efficiently.